Monday, March 05, 2007

My kind of town

It’s good to be back in a big city. There’s something comforting about seeing a Starbucks on every corner. If you become confused or upset you can walk in and they’ll instantly transfer you to the branch nearest your home.

The room on the train was even smaller than last time, due to the lack of a toilet. This was actually a blessing – the etiquette of going to the toilet in the same room as someone, even someone you’re married to, is complicated at best. Our bedroom was on the top deck so swung around a bit and for some reason breakfast finished at 7am so sleep was short. At 6.15am I braved the on-train shower, which was actually a bit better than the one in our Memphis hotel.

We got into Chicago at 9am and managed to negotiate the busses and get straight to our hotel where they let us check in six hours early! We then walked and walked. It was absolutely bitter, but strangely un-windy.

Chicago is a clean, friendly, modern city. They have sculpture everywhere, including an extremely cool giant reflective jelly bean. Words cannot do it justice – see pictures below. We wandered through various parks, ate at Subway for lunch (shocking, I know, but they were doing a $3.99 fresh value meal special) and went to the brilliant Adler Planetarium, on the shore of Lake Michigan, to learn about goings on in the universe.

Walking back we managed not to fall asleep and instead headed out for dinner at The Cheesecake Factory. Sadly we were too full after a shared starter to even get to the cheesecake. Tomorrow we meet a volunteer “greeter” at 10am who will be showing us around the city as part of a free service. Where will we end up?

Hannah in the even smaller cabin!

The middle of America. Big, flat.


We'd only been in Chicago an hour and Hannah had already set up her own business.

The huge reflective jelly bean

More of the bean!

Hannah and the bean.

The bean from underneath! I loved that bean.

Thank you, it's good to be here.

Lake Michigan: great.

Chicago from the lake shore.

Inside the Adler Planetarium.

Hannah and the sun.

Hannah and David on the infra-red camera. Objective proof of Hannah's hotness!

Did someone say space cadet?

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