Flagstaff is lovely: compact, friendly, clear mountain air. It's a college town so there's a good variety of shops and eateries.
We checked out of our hostel early and checked in our bags at the station, where the nicest Amtrak employee we've met so far took them. The limit is 50lbs per bag. One was 47.5lbs, the other 48.5lbs (full of all the presents we're bringing back for everyone!) We then walked Flagstaff's historic centre (historic for what? Not sure) and popped into the boutiquey shops. After lunch at The Pita Pit we decided that a walk one of the many mountain trails. Unfortunately flashbacks of our canyon exploits were experienced, mainly through the pains in our legs.
We turned back and rewarded our physical exploits with a trip to Cold Stone. Soooo good! The sun went down, and at this altitude the temperature drops quickly. But do you know where is warm? The bars. A gin and tonic (made with soda water - yuck! Do Americans have tonic?) and a margarita later is was time for dinner. That's where I am now. The train leaves 8.51pm Arizona time (which bears no resemblance to anywhere else in the country) and hopefully tomorrow I'll be reporting meeting Jim at LA station!
Hannah relaxes in the sun, sat on something strange.
Which way to turn?
Amongst the pines...
...and snowy peaks.
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