Thank you to everyone we've stayed with: Kath and Rob, Margaret and James and Gen. I'd also like to thank Amtrak, Starbucks, Subway, Best Western, my parents, etc. etc.
From the snows of Chicago (now just a distant memory):
David & Hannah xx
David & Hannah
In'n'Out was near the mall and after lunch we found ourselves inexplicably drawn in. The Easter bunny was already there but I resisted the urge to have my photo taken with it. It's also St. Patrick's weekend so everything is decked in green and people who can't even spell "Riverdance" claim direct Gaelic heritage.
After a cup of tea back at home we walked to the communal facilities on Jim and Gen’s development. The trend these days is for new Californian houses to have very small gardens and for communities to pay towards large central recreational areas. And what an area! We had the choice of three pools, a jacuzzi, tennis, a beach volleyball court, tree-lined strolls etc. etc.
Hannah and I found ourselves in the huge hot tub where two eight-year-olds were discussing their trust funds.
“How much money do you have?” one asked the other.
“Right now? About $1,100. How much do you have?”
“Um...about three million.”
“Well, my grandparents in Korea have that. They give me money whenever I see them.”
We realised we couldn’t keep up with the big boys and left as the conversation turned to which Star Wars episode was the best.
We started another game of Killer Bunnies before dinner at Zov’s Bistro (not as strange as the name sounds) and finished it when, with top trouser buttons popped from all the delicious food, we got home.
Everyone has forsaken me now and gone to bed. It’s just me and the cat, who’s trying to claw more biscuits out of her automatic feeder. Tomorrow our plane leaves at 4pm, taking us back to the forecast of snow and ice in Newcastle. One last blog entry before we go!
I awoke to find that Hannah and Gen had already left the house and were indulging in an activity that begins with “s” and ends with “hopping”. I couldn’t complain as fresh donuts awaited downstairs when I’d got washed and dressed.
We then did something out of the ordinary and engaged in healthy outdoor activity. Crystal Cove is a lovely little nature reserve directly west of Irvine and we headed off there for a walk around the beach and a delve into the rock pools. Great fun was had by all, many treasures were found and a number of sea creatures were poked to see if they would rouse themselves into activity.
We had lunch at Ruby’s Diner at the end of a pier and then came home for a rest before – would you believe it? – going shopping. This, however, was only because it was on the way to Gen’s parents’ house where we’d been invited for a barbecue. Gen’s aunt Lynn was over from the Philippines, and while we chatted with Gen's mum and aunt inside her dad masterfully scorched steaks out by the pool.
After a delicious meal we came home for experimentation with margaritas (I’ll post the recipe from Hannah if she’ll disclose it) and a game of Killer Bunnies. Our original plan of a trip into LA tomorrow may be put on hold in favour of more drinking and playing in the sun. It's the Californian lifestyle!
Shopping isn’t a pastime, it’s a way of life. So it would seem in Southern California, where we’ve had a day of mall-to-mall paradise. Luckily I’d stored Hannah’s credit card in the freezer to keep it from overheating. Together with Gen they were girls with a mission and a list of local retail outlets.
James and I discussed the possibility of visiting “man shops” but were inevitably sucked into the consumer maelstrom. First up was T.J. Maxx. We walked away with a new suitcase and new shoes. Next was CompUSA where a blue iPod shuffle was added to Hannah’s accessories. Then, after a quick refuel at Nick’s Pizza, we were off to the Newport Beach Mall. An optician was hit for some new designer glasses before Macy’s was raided for a suit. A double-tall-toffee-nut-latte later we were on our way home.
That’s about it. Shopping in LA requires little stamina – you get out of the car, walk around the shop/mall, get back in the car and drive to the next shop. You can keep it up all day! Tomorrow there may be a couple more shops involved but a far more physically demanding stroll along the beach has also been mentioned. I’ll try to veto that.
Don’t believe what you hear. Los Angeles has a nice centre that you can walk around!
The day started at 5.20am. For some reason breakfast on the train ran from 5am to 6am so we stumbled to the dining car while the dark countryside rolled by. We were sat opposite a chap who opened the little single-serving milk cartons and drank them, one after another. We got back to our room to discover that the man in the one opposite had been kicked off the train for trying to throw the conductor out the door while we were still moving. He was probably a smoker.
After all the excitement it was a big relief to get into LA and find Jim. Train travel has been nice, but spending a few days without the floor moving around will be even better.
We walked from the station to the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels. It’s the brand new $190m Roman Catholic cathedral and is mighty impressive. Everything in there has been built to last 500 years, and it shows. All the light is filtered through thinly cut sheets of alabaster and there’s a huge mausoleum underneath. It’s surrounded by a lovely piazza with a children’s garden, fountains, etc. Let’s hope it gets fully used.
We then popped into the even brander new Walt Disney Concert Hall, a building of stainless-steel sails, and found our way up to the public garden behind full of blossoming cherry trees and designer water features. We met Gen, who had just bought a hot dog wrapped in bacon for her lunch, before we found ourselves food at a gas company’s staff cafeteria (it was in the guidebook!)
After a long discussion about whether we should look around the Museum of Contemporary Art we discovered that it was closed, so wasted the rest of the afternoon in the Californian sun drinking smoothies. Our magical rail passes got us back to Irvine where James cooked (home-made food! Wow) and we mixed margaritas.
Over dinner we discussed plans for our time in LA. In summary: shopping. Pictures from the mall tomorrow.