Wednesday, February 07, 2007

This is the night train

We get to sleep on the train! Here's a quick guide to the "roomettes" available on Viewliner and Superliner trains. The Viewliner room even has a toilet! Given that the whole room is roughly the size of a toilet anyway that should be interesting.

Superliner Roomette
Our Superliner Roomette is ideal for one or two passengers, with two comfortable reclining seats on either side of a big picture window. At night, the seats convert to a comfortable bed, and an upper berth folds down from above. Roomettes are located on both upper and lower levels of our double-decker Superliner train cars.


3'6" x 6'6"

Lower Berth
2'4" x 6'6"

Upper Berth with Steps
2'0" x 6'2"

Capacity for two small tote bags

Superliner Roomette Diagram

Viewliner Roomette
The Viewliner Roomette is designed for one or two passengers, with comfortable reclining seats on either side of a sweeping picture window. At night, the seats convert to a bed, and an upper berth with its own picture window folds out from the upper wall.


3'6" x 6'8"

Lower Berth:
2'4" x 6'6"

Upper Berth
2'4" x 6'2"

Capacity for two small suitcases and garment bag.

Viewliner Roomette Diagram

More information and even virtual tours available here and here!

Will we fit comfortably inside with our tote bags? Who will get the top bunk? How on earth does that toilet work? You know your questions will be answered here.

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